Friday, October 24, 2014


Survival: the struggle to remain living, the state or fact of continuing to exist. 

Survivalism is a movement of individuals or groups who are actively preparing for possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales from local to international. A survivalists prepares to become self-sufficient. Self-sufficiency (also called self-containment) is the state of not requiring any aid, support, or interaction, for survival.
Survivalists often acquire emergency medical and self-defense training, stockpile food, water, and build structures that may help them survive a catastrophe. Survivalist retreats are intended to be self-sufficient and easily defended. Survival skills are techniques that a person may use in a dangerous situation to save themselves and others. The phrase OODA loop refers to the decision cycle of observe, orient, decide, and act, developed by military strategist.
Survival kits often includes: water purifiers, shelter, fire starters, clothing, food, medical supplies, navigation, signaling gear, and a heavy-duty survival knife. Concerned with the spread of fatal diseases, biological agents, and nerve gases, (nuclear, biological and chemical) full-face respirators, polyethylene coveralls, PVC boots, nitrile gloves, plastic sheeting and duct tape. The Federal Reserve system is fundamentally flawed so preparing for paper money to become worthless through hyperinflation. Hard assets of gold and silver bullion, coins, and other precious-metal oriented investments such as mining shares. 

We can become self-sufficiency through completing tasks without the aid of a paid expert. Literally meaning “Do it yourself,”. Anyone is capable of performing a variety of tasks rather than relying on paid specialists. Simple living is voluntary practices to simplify one's lifestyle. These may include reducing one's possessions or increasing self-sufficiency. Asceticism from the Greek word áskēsis, "exercise" or "training" describes a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures
Subsistence agriculture is self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families. The act of farming using principles of ecology the study of relationships between organisms and their environment. The typical subsistence farm has a range of crops and animals needed by the family to feed and clothe themselves during the year. The back-to-the-land movement calls for occupants of real property to grow food from the land on a small-scale basis for themselves or for others, and to perhaps live on the land while doing so.
Being off-grid refers to not being connected to a grid, mainly used in terms of not being connected to the main or national electrical grid. In electricity, off-grid can be stand-alone systems (SHS) or mini-grids typically to provide a smaller community with electricity. Off-grid electrification is an approach to access electricity used in countries and areas with little access to electricity, due to scattered or distant population. It can be any kind of electricity generation. The term off-the-grid refers to living in a self-sufficient manner without reliance on one or more public utilities.

Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building) refers to a structure and using process that is environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. In other words, green building design involves finding the balance between homebuilding and the sustainable environment. 
We must build autonomous building designed to be operated independently from infustructural support services such as the electric power grid, gas grid, municipal water systems, sewage treatment systems,storm drains, communication services, and in some cases, public roads. Using permaculture a branch of ecological design, ecological engineering, environmental design and integrated water resources management that develops sustainable architecture, regenerative and self-maintained habitat and agricultural systems modeled from natural ecosystem Powered with renewable energy that comes from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale such as sunlight, wind, rain, tide, waves,and geothermal heat.

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